What Can the Hiphop Community Do to Fully Embrace Women Both as Artists and Consumers of the Art

Kathleen has been an online writer for over five years. Her manufactures often focus on popular culture and the music industry.

Even though it's a fairly new music genre, hip-hop has already had an extraordinary effect on American culture.

Even though information technology'south a fairly new music genre, hip-hop has already had an boggling effect on American culture.

What Is Hip-Hop, and Why Is Information technology Important?

Hip-hop is more a music genre; it is a culture that has shaped America since the 1980s. Its influence has spread beyond the The states, impacting politics and media culture. This article explores hip-hop'south social bear on on the United States.

Topics This Article Covers

  • How hip-hop music influenced America
  • Hip-hop in the 20th century
  • Critics of hip-hop
  • How hip-hop promotes social awareness
  • The evolution of hip-hop'due south MCs
  • How hip-hop redefined cultural norms
  • Genres and artists that influenced hip-hop
  • Effects of the "Hip-Hop Nation"

This article besides includes an FAQ section at the bottom. This department goes into more detail on hip-hop's inception and provides fun facts and trivia for those who are true fans of the genre.

How Hip-Hop Music Influenced America

Hip-hop has had an overwhelming influence on the Black community in America (as well equally American society as a whole). Hip-hop is more than music; it's a total and vibrant culture. Since the 1980s, hip-hop has influenced and uplifted America, speaking up for generations and providing a voice to marginalized populations.

Opponents of hip-hop culture debate that the music is aggressive in nature and promotes social rebellion. That said, provocative lyrics do non negate the fact that hip-hop is a vocal outlet for many people in America. For decades, hip-hop has provided a platform for MCs and rappers to express their opinions about guild, the government, and the handling of African Americans in America. This outlet is peculiarly crucial to the Blackness customs, but if people opposed to hip-hop tried to cover the culture rather than attack the culture, information technology would benefit society equally a whole.

Hip-Hop in the 20th Century

The final decade of the twentieth century, often just referred to as "the nineties," marked extensive social changes in American history and social culture. One case of influential new trends that took place in the nineties centers on the evolution of hip-hop civilisation.

The history of hip-hop stems from Black community consciousness within the United States. Additionally, hip-hop culture can exist viewed as a direct response to the socio-economical issues that spawned from that history. Through musical expression, the Black community, equally well equally other traditionally marginalized groups, turned their discontent from the injustices they faced into productive protest, helping to restructure social attitudes and opportunities.

The tardily eighties saw the inception of this musical move, only the force and substantiation associated with hip-hop music largely developed throughout the span of the nineties. Post-obit this line of thought, the nineties saw large changes in music and culture. And so much so that the U.Due south. experienced the establishment of a veritable "Hip-Hop Nation." And, despite controversy over the legitimacy of the music (in terms of its occasionally vulgar lyrics), hip-hop marks a national move with the power to uplift an unabridged sector of the national community.

A mural demonstrating hip hop's influence on society.

A landscape demonstrating hip hop'southward influence on society.

Hip-Hop Timeline

Yr Important Event


Kool Herc's holds his "hip-hop" parties


The first recorded rap unmarried is released.


Curtis Blow's unmarried "The Breaks" surpasses a 1000000 sales.


Kool Herc holds his final "old schoolhouse" hip-hop party.


Doue E. Fresh creates "The Show"


Run DMC remix "Walk This Way," opening hip-hop to new audieces. Also, Northward.W.A. form, creating gangster rap.


Dr. Dre writes "The Chronic," launching him and his label into distinction and taking gangster rap even more mainstream.


The modernistic era of hip-hop begins.

Critics of Hip-Hop

Despite the national prevalence of hip-hop in the United States, there remains a strong and song fraction of the community who believe that hip-hop represents social subversion, chauvinism, aggression, vulgarity, profanity, and little else.

One such statement likens the hip-hop community to a mere vehicle for antagonistic social insurrection rather than a apparent method of productive social reform. Some believe that "Members of the hip-hop nation course an 'imagined community' that is based less on its realization through country formation than on a collective claiming to the consensus logic of U.S. nationalism" (Decker, 54). This argument attempts to undermine the intentionality of hip-hop and its effects; thus, promoting the notion that any positive socio-cultural modify was a mere offshoot of rebellion.

Hip-Hop Represents a Culture

Hip-Hop Represents a Culture

Hip-hop has always been controversial, and for good reason. When you scout a children'due south show and they've got a muppet rapping about the alphabet, it's cool, but it'south not actually hip-hop. The music is meant to exist provocative—which doesn't mean information technology's necessarily obnoxious, but information technology is (more often than not) confrontational, and more than than that, information technology's dense with multiple meanings. Great rap should accept all kinds of unresolved layers that you lot don't necessarily effigy out the first fourth dimension you listen to it.

— Jay-Z

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While the basis of hip-hop's opponents' arguments is founded and reasonable, they do not in whatever mode mitigate the overall influence of the "Hip-Hop Nation" equally a notable medium for social mobility, particularly for Blackness and other marginalized communities. "More than than only entertainment, hip-hop is a major part of contemporary identity circuits–networks of philosophies and aesthetics based on blackness, poverty, violence, ability, resistance, and backer accumulation." (Pardue, 674)

Music has been a powerful technique for engendering social awareness throughout American history. Music simultaneously reflects trends, ideals, conditions in guild and inspires attitudinal progression and social alter. To this end, hip-hop in the United States can be perceived every bit "a alloy of reality and fiction" insomuch that "rap music is a contemporary response to weather condition of joblessness, poverty, and disempowerment… it is a rebellion against white America's economic and psychological terrorism confronting Blackness people." (Smitherman, 5)

The increasing popularity of hip-hop civilisation throughout the nineties can be likened to an actual social revolution of significant proportions. Traditionally, oppressed groups are able to use the music to convey their plight and circumstances. And, in that way, they insubordinate both overtly and covertly confronting oppressive conventionalities inside that society.

Famous Hip-Hop MCs

Famous Hip-Hop MCs

The Development of Hip-Hop's MCs

Since its inception, hip-hop has progressed to the point where, to a certain extent, it governs culture. The ability of media, music, and pop civilization has never been so powerful, and its accomplish continues to inflate through market place expansion and an ever-increasing consumer base. "Now media and entertainment such as popular music, film, and manner are amidst the major forces transmitting civilization to this generation of Black Americans." (Kitwana, 7)

Hip-hop is arguably the voice of an entire generation. Hip-hop Nation transforms from being a mere method of ad and sensation promotion into a formidable cultural force within itself that has a heavy paw in the structure of both individual and community identities. "Blacks beyond the country who identified with [rap] were informed by it a medium through which to share national civilization. In the process, rap artists became the dominant public voice of this generation." (Kitwana, ten) In this fashion, artists ranging from MC Hammer to Dr. Dre, Tupac to Snoop Dogg (and other G Funk artists) acted equally the mouthpieces of a generation in need of guidance and management in terms of identity and voice.

The need for strong Black national icons in the pop culture scene stands every bit a testament to the defoliation and lack of prescribed purpose that plagued the nineties' generation of Blackness youth. "Historically, African Americans have shown a strong degree of racial solidarity, largely because they had common issues and saw their fate equally intricately linked." (Collins, 14) The harsh bigotry that Black people faced in America throughout the nation's history logically fostered intense sentiments of solidarity amidst the Black community.

Racial solidarity came to a head in the fifties and sixties in the grade of the African American Civil Rights Move, in which Blacks throughout the United States performed acts of civil resistance in an endeavor to incite political and social alter. In short, nineties rap can be seen as the result of a generation of Black youth who grew upwardly in the shadow of those who fought for their rights just did not delineate a clear line of activity for the youth to follow in their footsteps.

What makes me saying 'I don't give a f***,' different from Patrick Henry saying 'Give me liberty or requite me death?' What makes my freedom whatever different than Bosnians or who ever [America] wants to fight for this year?

— Tupac Shakur

How Hip-Hop Redefined Cultural Norms

Additionally, the rights given to Black people during and later the Civil Rights Movement left the following generations at a loss for how to continue the fight for Black rights, how to determine the more subtle forms of racism and discrimination, and how to properly answer the question of how far to push their obvious political dissent. The changes in the national social climate made for notably confusing times, "because Black nationalist thinkers take historically been highly vocal in identifying the importance of Black identity and Black culture for political struggle. [Hip Hop] tin can employ Black nationalism to explore the challenges that confront African Americans in the post-Civil Rights era." (Collins, 20)

In the face of racism, hip-hop artists (such as Tupac) are able to create a balance between the promotion of Blackness rights and individuality. "The intense vulnerability many young people felt with respect to the vicissitudes of daily life, [caused] their demand for a effigy who could resist overt and more than subtle injuries." (Dimitriadis, four) In this way, hip-hop artists can exist regarded equally important public figures for young marginalized Black youth who would otherwise lack an important pool of relatable leaders.

To this stop, hip-hop civilisation redefined cultural norms and practices nationwide by establishing new modes of learning, conduct, and social interaction. The nineties saw a marked increase in the establishment of street gangs as a straight response for coveted social reform.

The emphasis of the street in the upbringing of communities of lower socioeconomic standing augments the ability of street educational activity. "Media and popular culture play important roles in young people'south lives and must exist explored every bit a kind of culling 'lived' curriculum… young people today are using these texts to construct locally validated selves and senses of community, linked to shared notions of what it means to exist black and marginalized in the United States." (Dimitriadis, ii-8) Street education and "street smarts" are directly related to the culture surrounding hip-hop music. Consequently, street educational activity both colors the thematic elements of hip-hop and is structured in turn by that what those themes generally promote.

Throughout the nineties, many young people incorporated hip-hop into their daily lives. In fact, hip-hop completely redefined traditionally "proper" methods of social interaction. "Hip-hop culture is 1 key social medium in which many young men and women of color (particularly in the United states, but also increasingly in other societies) construct their gender." (Munoz-Laboy, Weinstein and Parker, 616)

Hip-Hop is a Vehicle for Social Commentary and Awareness

Hip-Hop is a Vehicle for Social Commentary and Sensation

Genres and Artists That Influenced Hip-Hop

Genre Clarification


Rhythm and blues is a genre of popular music that originated in African American communities in the 1940s. The term was originally used by record companies to draw recordings marketed predominantly to urban African Americans, at a time when "urbane, rocking, jazz based music with a heavy, insistent vanquish" was condign more pop.


Funk is a music genre that originated in African-American communities in the mid-1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and rhythm and blues (R&B). Funk de-emphasizes melody and chord progressions and focuses on a stiff rhythmic groove of a bass line played past an electric bassist.


Soul music is a pop music genre that originated in the African American customs in the United States in the 1950s and early 1960s. It combines elements of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues and jazz.


Jazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United states of america. It originated in the late 19th and early on 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as "America'south classical music."

Rock and Roll

Stone music is a wide genre of popular music that originated as "rock and roll" in the Us in the early 1950s, and adult into a range of dissimilar styles in the 1960s. Information technology'southward known for its employ of electric guitar and a steady kick drum heavy beat.

Roll Performers

Ringlet performers; poets, and writers like Iceberg Slim; and stylistic forebears like Muhammad Ali and Richard Pryor were all major influences on hip hop civilization.

Effects of the "Hip-Hop Nation"

Despite heavy debate over the specific extent of hip-hop's ability to influence a society, the fact remains that the Hip-Hop Nation that developed in the nineties retains heavy cultural significance and should be regarded seriously in any conversation about the recent progress in U.Due south. civilisation.

Hip-hop civilization stands as a poignant and historically meaning factor in U.S. society. It represents a reflection of socio-political woes and widespread sentiment of traditionally marginalized and oppressed communities. As such, hip-hop is a vehicle for social commentary and sensation, as well as an avenue for public discourse. In these considerations, 1990s hip-hop development marked a culturally nuanced and significant movement in both its reflection of the discontented social climate at the time and its ability to construct and reconstruct socio-cultural norms.

When Did Hip-Hop Offset?

Hip-hop is an undercover urban movement and music genre that emerged in The Bronx (New York City) in the 1970s and focused primarily on emceeing skills. That said, many people think that the roots of rap and hip-hop engagement back to the African "griots," who were hamlet storytellers who played basic handmade instruments while they told stories most their families.

As a outcome, some argue that the origins of American Hip-hop truly date back to the African-American storytellers in the southward. All the same, the genre was made pop in the 1970s and '80s, when new technology immune for songs to be made without needing a alive band.

Who Started Hip-Hop Civilization?

DJ Kool Herc, a.chiliad.a. Clive Campbell, is often credited with laying the showtime edifice block of hip-hop back in 1973. Once again, the origins of hip-hop likely date back much further, merely it was Herc who gave a language to this emerging phenomenon when he reportedly hosted a party in his edifice (1520 Sedgwick Avenue) with a audio system used to DJ a party and described the sound at the party every bit "hip-hop."

Famous Rappers of Early on Hip-Hop

  • Run-D.Chiliad.C.
  • Whodini
  • Grandmaster Wink
  • Kurtis Blow
  • The Sugarhill Gang
  • DJ Kool Herc
  • The Fat Boys
  • Marley Marl
  • Kool Moe Dee
  • Child Frost

Most Influential Hip-Hop Albums

Creative person Album Release Twelvemonth

Public Enemy

"It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold U.s.a. Back"


Beastie Boys

"Paul's Boutique"


Ice Cube

"AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted"


Dr. Dre

"The Chronic"






"The Marshall Mathers LP"


Kanye West

"Late Registration"


When Did Rap Beginning?

Rap became common for the first time in America around the 1960s when it began to popular upward in the Black community. (That said, musical storytelling has been a part of African culture for thousands of years.) Rap was every bit used as a slang word to mean that someone was talking or having a chat.

What Does Rapping Hateful?

The word "rap" is actually very old. In fact, the term pops upwardly as early as the 15th and 16th centuries in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Initially, the word rap meant to strike or to striking. Just, a few centuries later, a slight variation of this definition, mutating the word to mean speak or talk.

In America, effectually the 1960s, information technology began to pop up in the Black community and was used equally a slang word to mean that someone was talking or having a conversation. Now, the discussion has evolved again. Its new definition is "a fashion of music in which words are recited rapidly and rhythmically over a prerecorded, typically electronic instrumental backing."

What Are the Roots of Rapping?

In Africa, thousands of years ago, the "griots," who were village storytellers who played basic handmade instruments while they told stories about their families and electric current events, began what is arguably the origins of rap music. The griot is still a major form of advice in Africa.

This griot tradition carried over when Africans were captured against their volition and transported to America. This is why some debate that the roots of American rap music come from the southern The states.

Who Was the Showtime American Rapper?

Coke La Rock is oft regarded equally the offset rapper after he teamed upwards with DJ Kool Herc in 1973. Both are recognized every bit the original founding fathers of Hip Hop. That said, since rap music was originally underground, it'due south almost impossible to say who the first rapper really was.

The Sugarhill Gang's 1979 song "Rapper's Delight" is widely regarded to be the get-go hip-hop tape to gain widespread popularity in the mainstream. The 1980s marked the diversification of hip-hop as the genre developed more complex styles.

How Did Hip-Hop Spread?

  • Radio: Considering hip-hop was an cloak-and-dagger motion, it took a while to exist played on the radio. When songs like "Rapper'southward Delight" became mainstream radio hits, hip-hop took off.
  • Tv/music video: MTV opened up the hip-hop world, allowing for the kickoff hip-hop videos to spread to a national audience.
  • Fashion: Brands like Adidas and Nike got involved in hip-hop culture in the '80s and '90s, helping to spread the civilization.
  • Spoke to issues around the globe: Hip-hop'south message of systemic oppression and a need to focus your energy on investing in your ain communities spread effectually the earth, where Black Europeans and Black South Americans took the message to heart.

Influential Hip-Hop Artists Around the Globe

Name Country of Origin Awesome Song



"170 KG"


Kingdom of belgium


Didier Awadi


"Tieupeu Na"




Mustafa Yoda

Argentine republic

"El hombre bueno que fue al infierno"





Due south Africa

"Run Jozi"

What Effect Has Hip-Hop Had Outside of the United States?

Hip-hop did not stay localized in the U.S. just spread across the world. Today, you can hear South American, African, European, and fifty-fifty Korean hip-hop. Since hip-hop lyrics often deal with fighting and surviving oppression, the message is wide-ranging.

Many European, African, and South American hip-hop artists rap about the devastating effects of colonialism and the struggle against racism. The themes in hip-hop are relevant to many societies, so it's only natural that the genre would spread around the globe.


  • Miguel Munoz-Laboy, Richard Guy Parker, Hannah Weinstein. "The Hip-Hop club scene: Gender, grinding and sex activity". ResearchGate.net. November 2007. PubMed.
  • Greg Dimitriadis. Performing Identity/Performing Culture: Hip Hop as Text, Education, and Lived Practise. 2001. Peter Lang Publishing Inc.
  • Bakari Kitwana, The Hip-Hop Generation. 2008. Bones Books.
  • Geneva Smitherman, Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner. 2015. Oxford University Press.
  • Patricia Hill Collins. From Black Ability to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism (Politics History & Social Chan) 2006. Temple University Press.

© 2022 Kathleen Odenthal

dababy on January 15, 2020:


Arthur J. Smith on June 26, 2019:

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Music_13 on Apr 28, 2019:

Thanks so much! I'm working on a project and actually needed this.

goustydj on March 15, 2019:

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Heaven on September 26, 2018:

This is an awesome article. Thanks whoever wrote information technology (: (:

Anonyomous Human on September nineteen, 2018:

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Donna Looney on September 18, 2018:

This article is very good for any music project. It helped me for mine, I'grand in 7th Grade, and so Thanks! Tupac the best!

tt on September 17, 2018:

cheers man

boopdopblooooob on June 07, 2018:

thank you lot information technology helped me with my project :D

jj on March 14, 2018:

yo this helped

Kathleen Odenthal (author) from Bridgewater on December thirty, 2017:

yo snoop, thanks man

globen on December 06, 2017:

yo j cole is trash @coralreef

Michael on Nov 27, 2017:

Kendrick LaMar is the best rapper

di on October 28, 2017:

Jae Wheeler

Joelson on October 24, 2017:

Hi I'm wondering if this is accurate or not

coral reef on September 25, 2017:

j cole best artisit

why now on September xiii, 2017:

it a great article but I am curious how it is shaping our generations at present with the mumble rap and the over glorification of drugs? with so many of the 90's influenced rappers no longer deemed every bit influential as they were or as popular is rap now just hurting the civilisation?

why non on May 25, 2017:

Its good source Only not for russian spy

Da spycrab on May 21, 2017:

in response to "Why" i do believe it is a reliable source i mean i'yard using information technology.

idk on May 17, 2017:

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troy on May 16, 2017:

great commodity!!

Why on May 09, 2017:

Ummm, I'm doing a research newspaper and I was wondering if this is an reliable source.

Madison on April 29, 2017:

This commodity is really smashing!! I'thou using it to cite from for a projection of mine. One thing though... It would have been actually bully if y'all added more in-depth citations. I appreciate the parenthetical citations used, but it would have been actually helpful if you did the citations in MLA as well, and put them at the finish of the article. This isn't hate, I promise, it only would made citing this and using the quotes you take a lot easier.

Trevien Hopkins on April 20, 2017:


Trevien on April 20, 2017:

O my god this is an crawly article

Minnie on January 24, 2017:

Actually awesome article...with facts and lil bit of more info on different aspects of Hip Hop ☺

OneThought on Nov 22, 2016:

Its funny, that so many people write about this from such an academic perspective. It never was that deep to me, Rhyming was something we did, and our struggle, (not just so called "blacks") in the inner metropolis, dress and lifestyle was depicted for others in America to become a glimpse of. Amazingly what was once shunned and frowned upon is beingness accepted (in it super-ugliest grade) internationally.

Never in one case was rap "Always-Ever-Ever-Always," mine or anyone I'm aware of's culture. while I practise agree that it gave a voice. By no ways should one idolize misguided individuals who have left nothings but trails of polluted melodies to follow.

Never compare 99.9999% of these artist to the Likes of MLK, Malcolm, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Paul Roberson, Apache Chief Geronimo, Family Men and the like. As they have done much to redo much of the impairment that was undone.

Wise Warriors Spread the Light

David Ram0s on September 22, 2016:

very well written piece

terry on September 07, 2016:

can someone give me 3 of import facts about the commodity

Kuduva Konrad from Windhoek on April 04, 2016:

well, this is amazing and educating, keep information technology upward!

Naomi on March 26, 2016:

Great commodity :) Really helped me out with my homework

Hashemite kingdom of jordan from Denver, CO on January 09, 2016:

This article is very insightful and detailed! I'm a huge hip hop fan, so it's nice to encounter others writing about information technology. It doesn't seem to become a ton of spotlight, at least amidst the HubPages community.

Anna Christie from London, United Kingdom on December 17, 2015:

thanks for all the information in this hub very interesting

Reginald Boswell from Huntsville, Alabama on May 11, 2014:

Kathleen: Its squeamish to see this hub about Hip Hop. While taking a higher class called the Music of Black Americans in the 80'southward my submission to practise an essay on Run DMC was rejected because Hip Hop was not a recognized form of Music and I had to write on Stevie Wonder instead. Stevie Wonder is awesome simply I was bothered that the professor who rejected my original submission could not see what we all knew back then "HIP HOP was the new Rock n Roll." By the style my professor is at present a friend on Facebook (no regrets).

Kathleen Odenthal (writer) from Bridgewater on March 24, 2014:

Thanks for the input! Can't believe I forgot country music! I will edit it!

Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on March 24, 2014:

I'm a fan of some hip-hop songs, the catchier the tune, the more frequently I'll sing it. I noticed that my favorite genre of music wasn't included in your poll...State, then I selected my 2nd favorite Pop. I'm but a music lover of most genres. Great hub!


Source: https://spinditty.com/genres/Hip-Hops-Influence-on-America

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